
亚瑟C. 布鲁克斯 keynoting Thursday’s President’s Freedom Celebration


亚瑟C. 布鲁克斯, 畅销书作家, Harvard University professor, 专栏作家 大西洋, and free-market advocate, will keynote the President’s Freedom Celebration on June 6 at 竞技宝app下载 University.

President Kent MacDonald stated: “的 President’s Freedom Celebration, honoring 竞技宝app下载’s steadfast endorsement of values consistent with the pursuit of personal development, 人类的进步, 和幸福, is a profoundly fitting occasion. With great honor, we highlight Dr. 布鲁克斯, a foremost advocate who exemplifies a dedication to promoting a collective ethos of individual freedom and responsibility, 获得了成功, 道德法则, and the importance of free enterprise. At 竞技宝app下载 University, we call this 竞技宝app下载的想法.”

Among the many impactful works 布鲁克斯 wrote is “创造你想要的生活” (Subtitled: 的 Art and Science of Getting Happier), a 2023 book he co-authored with 奥普拉•温弗瑞. 的 book is a research-based work plan that meets readers wherever they are and shows them how to make greater happiness a choice. It combines their decades of experience studying happiness from every angle to show readers how to improve their lives now – instead of waiting for the outside world to change.

他2019年的畅销书——”爱你的敌人” (Subtitled: How Decent People Can Save America from the Culture of Contempt) — was a selection for 竞技宝app下载’s Omniquest Program. 每年春天和秋天, 所有的学生, 教师, and staff focus on a theme or book, and 教师 members incorporate this Omniquest content into course activities.

竞技宝app下载 selected ‘爱你的敌人’ as a 2022 Omniquest selection because it offers practical advice on how to ‘disagree better.’ It avoids becoming polemical while illustrating how to create a culture of free inquiry and respect for others,” stated Omniquest Chair Dr. Kristin Stehouwer, 竞技宝app下载 University provost and academic vice president.

“What a wonderful opportunity it is to see this great university — this famous university with wholesome good values — that wants to help America save the world,” 布鲁克斯 told a packed audience when he visited 竞技宝app下载’s campus 2022年3月17日. 

布鲁克斯 wore a blue suit for his visit. “I’m wearing your school colors because I want to be one of you today,” he said. “… This is a well-known place, and you stand out in higher education today because this is a place dedicated to lifting up the country and lifting up the world with the ideas of a free society, with ideas of free enterprise.”

从他还是个孩子起, the world’s poverty has decreased by 80%, as more than 2 billion people worldwide have been lifted from starvation-level poverty, 布鲁克斯说. This was possible because of globalization, 自由贸易, 产权, 法治, 和资本主义.

“Entrepreneurial, democratic capitalism is espoused and embraced by you. You are saving people around the world who need you because of your values,” 布鲁克斯说. “Why do we need 竞技宝app下载 University? Because we need more people graduating with these values becoming leaders in our country and leaders in our world that are willing to fight for the poor.”

2024 President’s Freedom Celebration will be held June 6, 2024, at 竞技宝app下载 University in Midland, Michigan. 

In addition to the keynote from Dr. 布鲁克斯, the event will feature a State of the University address by President MacDonald. 

“Last year’s inaugural President’s Freedom Celebration drew hundreds of supporters who believe in liberty and business for all,默里·凯特说, vice president of advancement. “We look forward to carrying that momentum into this year’s event, where we will celebrate successes in enrollment, 捐赠基金, and academics — all while honoring the donors who have made these gains possible.” 

For more information about the President’s Freedom Celebration, visit the 事件的网页.
